W&J Senior Hailey Nudelman stands in a playground with her students in Israel.

W&J senior and instructional intern brings back lessons from Israel

Created: January 31, 2022  |  Last Updated: December 15, 2023  |  Category: ,   |  Tagged: , ,

WASHINGTON, PA (January 31, 2022)—W&J Senior Hailey Nudelman is going places. Or rather, growing from the places she’s gone.

A psychology and studio arts double major, Nudelman spent the summer interning as a classroom assistant at Gan Bien Cramim Vsedot—a public kindergarten in Rishon Lezyon, 伊斯雷尔致力于教授患有自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)的学生,在那里她帮助残疾儿童发展重要技能.

“It was amazing,” Nudelman said, noting that she did a bit of everything at the school. “Just in the two months that I was there, some of the kids progressed. There was this one girl who was non-verbal, and by the end she was saying a couple of words here and there.”

Nudelman credited the Israeli public school system for that success, as Gan Bien Carmim Vsedot only teaches students with ASA, provides its students access to a number of specialized staff, including physical, occupational, and psycho- therapists, and guarantees them 14 hours of treatment each week.

她觉得对以色列学生的个人关注与她自己在美国课堂上的经历不同, 他指出,在美国,照顾有特殊需要的学生往往是私有化的,而且费用昂贵.

“Personally, I have ADHD and anxiety, and very often growing up, I was thrown into the same classroom with kids with autism, and we were just completely different in our abilities. So, it was just really amazing that they were able to meet these kids at their level,” she said.

Thanks to her time and education at W&J, Nudelman said that she was able to do the same.

“I’ve taken a lot of psychology courses here and they definitely prepared me for it,” she said. “Having abnormal and developmental psychology, and having all of my different classes gave me knowledge that I could build on while working there.”

虽然她是通过克利夫兰犹太联合会和以色列经历发布的广告发现这个实习机会的, Nudelman said faculty at W&J gave her the extra push to go.

“I talked with a bunch of my professors about it,” she said, noting that Dr. Timothy Klitz and Cathy Petchel, both professors of psychology, were particularly influential. “It wasn’t even necessarily about the process; it was more like a mentor thing.”

Despite their advice, the language barrier occasionally created obstacles for Nudelman.

“It was sometimes very difficult because they spoke no English and I spoke very little Hebrew,” she said.

But the challenge proved rewarding. Already accepted into two master of social work programs, Nudelaman insisted the internship gave her future direction.

“It really made me realize my passion,” she said. “看到他们的教育体系让我意识到,我也想把这样的东西带到美国.”


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